Sunday, November 29, 2009


Four day weekends are great, especially holiday ones. This one has been no exception. We enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving, filling our bellies with fried turkey & all the fixins. That night we went through the ads and made our lists, getting ready for Black Friday.

We headed out around 11:30 that night. I tried to rest but I dont think I ever actually feel asleep. Toys R Us was our first stop. Holy cow, we'll never do that again! I think it took about an hour to get INSIDE the store... the line went several businesses past Toys R Us. Once we finally got inside, it was madness. They had the lines woven throughout the store so you could hardly shop. We got in line and shopped as we wove. They were out of the 2 for $10 diapers, I only found 1 of the 3 Muskateer Barbies I wanted... I did get some really good deal on some clothes (50% off clearance prices), but not enough to make it worth the hours we stood in line. We finally got out of there around 4 am. From there we hit the mall and Target. Maybe it's just me, but I think Target's sale wasnt so great this year. The only thing I really wanted, they were out of, and that was the Up DVD. I think I finally got home around 10. I somehow managed to stay awake and get the tree up and decorated!

Now I'm not ready for the weekend to end! So how about you, did you brave the crowds? Get any good deals?

1 comment:

Nicole A. said...

Your tree looks Beautiful!!! I skipped the black friday shopping and stayed home and shopped online. However I wish I had went, it's craziness but fun! So glad you had a Great Thanksgiving!!


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